Well, hello there!
I’ve had this website for a while, and I want to give a quick introduction to who I am, what I do, and what this website is for.
Plus, it gets me back into writing on here in general.

Who’s EdgyGamerGal?
My name’s Edgy Gamer Gal, but most people call me EGG. I’m an online content creator who specializes in three types of content:– Indie and Horror Videogames- Interactive Character Lore / Content- Chaotic Charity and Creator CollaborationsMy ultimate goal as a creator is to continue growing, developing, and updating my content. I want to pull up fellow creators with me, and help the world in turn. I have a big heart, and it’s why I love to entertain people with my antics. I hope I can keep doing this, even when I’m elderly!

Behind The Creator
My real name’s Acacia Raley, and I’m a 26 year old Arizonan Native. I’ve been in the streaming sphere for about 7 years now, having worked on it on-and-off until my VTuber Debut 2 years ago.
My hobbies jump often, from Horror, Roleplaying and Videogames to Cosplay crafting and Convention crawling. I love to learn new skills and experience new places or moments. I’m a very curious person at heart, so it results in a lot of new friendships, places, and opportunities.
I’m currently in school for Cybersecurity, and I’m aiming to get a Masters. I also want to get a Masters in Computer Science. I love tech and how the digital systems around us work, so I want to develop my skills in a digitally-growing environment. This is especially important to me as a creator, because my own projects are created on the software I downloaded.
I am Polyamorous, Pansexual, and Genderfluid. I’m very open about my identity and like to share and educate about it when my audience asks about it. I don’t mind what pronouns people refer to me as, and I currently have about 6 partners, one of who lives with me and one that I’m engaged to!
I have a pet cat named Zimmie Magnificent The First, but I’ve had tons of pets before, like Dogs, Fishes, A Turtle, and more!
I’ve worked before in charity work, having donated my own hair twice, and I’ve raised a collective $1,600 over various stream campaigns!
Currently, I’m working as a Warehouse Worker for Amazon, but I’ve spent two years in the Game Industry as a Quality Assurance tester. I worked on Series X Backwards Compatibility, Halo Infinite, and As Dusk Falls. I’ve gained a deep love for videogames because of this experience, and I hope to eventually develop games of my own!
I’ve held panels and hosted content at conventions in Arizona, working both alongside the panel group Outlandish Otakus and also hosting panels on my own. I like to focus on unique panels that educate people, from explaining what VTubers are to sharing silly stories in a short amount of time!
As you can tell, I’m a varied person, both in content and in my real life. I like trying out new things, after all!

Who is Cryptid Sangrose?
Cryptid Sangrose is the name of the VTuber I use for my digital and streaming content. She is the current Main Character of a project by the name of Sangrose.
It’s a creative universe that I have worked on since I was 12, something that I have poured a lot of energy into. I’ve always wanted to share it with the world in a cohesive manner, but never knew where to start. I have ideas for multiple forms of media situated in the universe, but it was hard for me to know where the first step should be.
I was also struggling as a streamer, wanting to make interactive content but not having the resources or the assets to make this content. I loved watching interactive talk shows, where the host, audience, and even guest stars would participate in silly content or games, and I wanted to mimic that. However, it’s hard to make your own studio from a bedroom.
When VTubers and Virtual Entertainers started becoming more popular, I developed an idea. This is where Cryptid first formed. By creating digital content, it was a lot easier for me to create interactive streams and props. I already had a universe planned out that I could put a character into. Cryptid is supposed to start off as the audience’s self-insert, knowing only as much as the audience does, so they can explore the universe together.
VTubing is just a step to the universe I’m working on. I want to explore other forms of media, like video projects, videogames, books and more. My hope is that I can continuously show new aspects of this universe, and entertain people with a wild, intricate story. I also want to involve people in my worlds and make them feel a part of it, hence why I made my VTuber’s lore fluid and influenced by the audience.

Thank you for reading this little article about me! I really hope that this has given you a better understanding of who I am, both as a creator and a person. I’m excited for the ideas I have planned for this website, and to meet more of you soon!